American Journal of Health and Allied Sciences
Open Access
About the Journal
The American Journal of Health and Allied Sciences (AJHAS) is an internationally peer-reviewed, open-access, scholarly, online journal dedicated to the global exploration of allied health professional practice, research, and education.
Aim and Scope
American Journal of Health and Allied Sciences (AJHAS) is an online Open Access peer-reviewed scholarly journal which encourages authors to publish original scholarly articles in the fields of physical therapy, occupational therapy, sports science, speech-language pathology, nursing, psychology, biomedical engineering, pharmacy, nutrition, education and other allied health sciences.
AJHAS will consider submissions on the following topics: human biomechanics, exercise physiology, physical activity in pediatrics and geriatrics, ergonomics, physiologic profiling of athletes, sports injury monitoring and clinical practice patterns in the allied health sciences. AJHAS publishes original research, Review articles, study protocols, systematic reviews and meta-synthesis, short reports, and letters to the editor.
Benefits with us:
» Systematic and rapid process, which decreases the duration of the publication process
» Open Access provides easy and unbiased sharing of information. Freedom from pay per use policy
» The strict and blinded peer review improves the standards of the manuscript
» We promote your research, and support your goals of research
» We provide a platform to join together and share the research ideas
Why Choose Our Journal:
» We maintain high standard peer review publications.
» We ensure optimum quality standard is maintained in every publication.
» Increased visibility of the publication and provides free, unrestricted global access.
» We provide higher readership, visibility and impact of your publications.
» The authors reserve the copyrights of the article and articles are published under a Creative Commons Attribution License.
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