Author(s): Mac Van Tien1, Van Dinh Tri3, Tran Minh Duc3, Vo Huu Hoa3, Pham Xuan Thu2*, Phan Thi Hang2
1Institute of Educational Sciences and Economic Management
2National Institute for Vocational Education and Training, Vietnam
3Khanh Hoa DOLISA, Vietnam.
Citation: Van Tien M, Dinh Tri V, Minh Duc T, Huu Hoa V, Xuan Thu P, Thi Hang P (2024) Current Situation and Solutions for Developing Vocational Education: A Case Study in Khanh Hoa Province, Vietnam. American J Sci Edu Re: AJSER-211.
This research aims to analyze and evaluate the current state and propose solutions for the development of vocational education in Khanh Hoa province. During the implementation process, the research team employed a survey method using questionnaires applied to three groups: vocational education institutions, enterprises, and workers in Khanh Hoa province. The study identifies the current training outcomes of vocational education institutions, assesses the extent to which enterprises’ needs for trained workers are met, and proposes solutions for the development of vocational education in Khanh Hoa province up to 2050
Keywords: Vocational Education and Training (VET), Employees, Enterprises, Students.