Journal of Contemporary Education Theory & Artificial Intelligence

  • International Peer-reviewed, Open Access Journal                                                                                                                                                              • ISSN: 2996-4954

About the Journal
Journal of Contemporary Education Theory & Artificial Intelligence (JCETAI) is dedicated to the rapid dissemination of important research results to the global artificial intelligence (AI) community. The journal’s scope encompasses all areas of AI, including agents and multi-agent systems, automated reasoning, constraint processing and search, knowledge representation, machine learning, natural language, planning and scheduling, robotics and vision, and uncertainty in Contemporary Education Theory & Artificial Intelligence.
Article acceptance will be in the form of Research, Review, Case Reports, Analysis, Magazines, Editorials, Opinion, Communications, Mini-Review, Short Communications, Picturized, Book Review, Video Type and Power Point Presentations (PPTS).
Journal of Contemporary Education Theory & Artificial Intelligence accepts articles in all the formats from: artificial intelligence (AI). The scope covers all artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) areas and their applications in the following topics: neural networks; fuzzy logic; simulated biological evolution algorithms (like genetic algorithms, ant colony optimization, etc); reasoning and evolution; intelligence applications; computer vision and speech understanding; multimedia and cognitive informatics, data mining and machine learning tools, heuristic and AI planning strategies and tools, computational theories of learning; technology and computing (like particle swarm optimization); intelligent system architectures; knowledge representation; bioinformatics; natural language processing; multiagent systems; supervised learning; unsupervised learning; deep learning; big data and AI approaches; reinforcement learning; and learning with generative adversarial networks; etc.
Benefits with us:
» Systematic and rapid process, which decreases the duration of the publication process
» Open Access provides easy and unbiased sharing of information. Freedom from pay per use policy
» The strict and blinded peer review improves the standards of the manuscript
» We promote your research, and support your goals of research
» We provide a platform to join together and share the research ideas
Why Choose Our Journal:
» We maintain high standard peer review publications.
» We ensure optimum quality standard is maintained in every publication.
» Increased visibility of the publication and provides free, unrestricted global access.
» We provide higher readership, visibility and impact of your publications.
» The authors reserve the copyrights of the article and articles are published under a Creative Commons Attribution License.
⇒  Submit your manuscript via website at https://www.cmjpublishers.com/online-submission/ or email us at submissions@cmjjournals.com

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