American Journal of Clinical and Medical Research Issue 1 | 2021 ISSN: 2835-9496
Ameri J Clini Medi Re: 2021; 1(1): 102 |
The Place of GLP-1 Receptor Agonists in the Treatment of NAFLD: A Review
Author(s): Fotis Konstantinou*
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Ameri J Clini Medi Re: 2021; 1(1): 101 |
Comparison of Intra-Arterial and Systemic Chemotherapy as Second-Line Treatment a Patients with Advanced Pancreatic Cancer: A Retrospective Study
Author(s): Laura Ginocchi1, Alessio Auci2, Enrico Vasile3, Cecilia Barbara4, Simona Bursi1, Maurizio Lucchesi1, Claudio Ceccherini2, Massimo Orlandi1, Wanda Liguigli5, Francesca Federici1, Chiara Valsuani1, Giammaria Fiorentini6, Giovanni Butturini7, Vittorio Gebbia8, Giuseppe Lucchini9, Andrea Mambrini1*
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